Saturday, October 18, 2008

Joann talks about her group

I concur - our tidy group is excited about the study as well. They said they really wanted to hone in on their gifts and use their energy wisely and effectively. The only thing we did not finish was review of the Creativity characteristics/obstacles.

This group also decided to fill out the office worksheet at the end of the study. I gave them the option after reading Paula's post.. plus they kind of groaned when I brought it up. Regarding the evaluation: they brought up a valid point that besides the gifts we hold, there is also the matter of personal preference at how easily/or hesitantly we get involved in things. So while the evaluation determines gifts, there's the additional aspect of how willing/determined/hesitant a person is in interaction. The evaluation may not be the right place to put it, but it is worth considering.

I would be interested in further postings to learn from the other groups if they address the disappointment that people feel if they didn't score higher in a category as they expected. I suppose the conversation could focus on the obstacles that hinder their development. Joann~

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